Top 7 Best Metaverse Crypto Projects To Invest in 2024

In this article, we will analyze the 7 best Metaverse crypto. 

We will also see that some of the best Metaverse Crypto organizations have their platforms strongly established as some of the renowned NFT marketplaces of this era. We can see the likes of Axie Infinity and others falling into this.

Before delving into our ranking, however, let’s try to clarify some doubts relating to this digital world and its functioning.

So let’s start by answering the question: what is the Metaverse?

What Is The Metaverse

The term “metaverse” is a word coined by Neal Stephenson in his book “Snow Crash”. 

It describes a 3D virtual space created and maintained by the people who inhabit it. It is a virtual world that we can all share and explore. 

Here each of us can play, work, communicate, create, build, and earn.

As happens in the real world, the Metaverse also has an economic system and, in this context, the currency of exchange is the “cryptocurrency“.

Cryptos are digital currencies or tokens that can be used as a medium of exchange in blockchain transactions. 

They are not issued by any government or central bank but are created and traded through a process called mining.

Confirming this, tech giants like  Facebook and  Microsoft have said they are working to launch sprawling alternative universes that transcend our physical world into a virtual one. 

Facebook itself, in fact, changed its name to Meta.

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How To Choose The Best Metaverse Crypto

To choose the best cryptocurrencies of the metaverse, it is appropriate to consider the following aspects:

  • Capitalization
  • Token value
  • ROI

Starting from these elements, we point out what are, according to our analysis, the best crypto meta of the moment below.

List Of The Best Metaverse Crypto Of The Moment

Star AtlasATLAS5
The Sand BoxSAND4
Axie InfinityAXS4
EnjIn CoinENJ3

Best Metaverse Crypto Explained

1. Decentraland

  • Token: MANA

Born from the idea of ​​a group of developers in Argentina in 2016, Decentraland is one of the first virtual multiplayer RPGs on the Ethereum blockchain.

It is, therefore, a virtual world powered by blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The idea of ​​the platform is to create a decentralized space where people can live, work and play.

It has its own currency called ‘MANA’ which can be used to purchase land, craft items, and interact with other users.

The Token is available for purchase on eToro, Binance, Coinbase,,, etc.

A very interesting investment considering the growth prospects of this crypto.

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2. Star Atlas

best metaverse crypto - star atlas
  • Token: ATLAS

Star Atlas is the best Metaverse cryptocurrency for space exploration lovers and it is one of the most ambitious projects in terms of cryptocurrencies and metaverse.

Specifically, Star Atlas is configured as a game set in the year 2620, based on space exploration and the conquest of new planets. 

Through his character and his spaceship, the user can create a team with the aim of building intergalactic civilizations and economies.

The project’s native cryptocurrency is  ATLAS, based on the Solana blockchain. 

Through ATLAS it is possible to purchase digital objects such as NFT and the like. 

Another game currency, used for game governance procedures on Star Atlas is called POLIS.

Given that the game is still in an embryonic stage but has good growth prospects, this could be the right time to buy ATLAS crypto and reap the benefits of being among the first investors.

3. Illuvium

  • Token: ILV

Illuvium is another promise from the gaming sector. 

The video game has not yet been released but judging by the capitalization and the trailer it seems to have interesting prospects.

Based on the news that has been released, we know that it will be a metaverse in which players will aim to capture fantasy creatures, called Illuvial that are collectible as NFT.

These characters, once they become the property of the player, can be trained and used to fight against other players or can be traded on third-party platforms.

The network runs on the Ethereum blockchain, while the project’s native cryptocurrency is ILV. 

This crypto will be used as a monetary base within the game and will also have the function of a governance token. 

In addition, players will be able to get ILV as a reward for their achievements and battles won.

Everything suggests that Illuvium could quickly become one of the best cryptocurrencies in the metaverse. 

We, therefore, recommend that you keep an eye on it.

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4. The Sand Box

  • Token: SAND

The Sand Box, a metaverse created in 2011 by Pixowl, is based on the Ethereum blockchain.

Within this video game, you can buy, build, and sell digital resources and objects through the SAND crypto.

Even The Sand Box, like the video games mentioned above, is based on the “ Play to Earn ” concept, ie “play to earn”, which allows users to be both creators and players at the same time and also earn as they play.

Sandbox is a very successful project, with a thriving community of players, which has already proven to have great potential.

5. Axie Infinity

Best metaverse Crypto - Axie Infinity
  • Token: AXS

Axie Infinity is an NFT-based gaming metaverse developed by the Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis. 

This video game hosts more than 250,000 players a day who can build kingdoms, search for rare resources and hunt for treasure. 

Among their main objectives is to capture Axies (which are also NFTs), digital animals through which to live adventures or fight.

Users can then buy the AXS cryptocurrency, the video game’s cryptocurrency that gives them a stake in the ownership and operation of the game.

In November 2021, the AXS token reached the value of $140, and, through thick and thin, continues to be particularly popular.

6. Enjin Coin

  • Token: ENJ

Enjin coin, more than a video game appears as an exchange platform or an intermediary software. 

In fact, in this metaverse, it is possible to coin, store and sell virtual goods.

To start performing activities in the metaverse, developers must assign value to virtual assets like ENJ tokens, which are therefore the crypto of Enjin Coin. 

Although characterized by strong volatility, Enjin is a very interesting project that has not gone unnoticed. 

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7. Wax

  • Token: WAXP

Among the best metaverse cryptocurrencies, there is also Wax. 

It is essentially a marketplace where users can create, trade, or sell their NFTs.

Its blockchain-based system allows people to exchange digital or physical (especially artistic) items instantly and securely with anyone in the world.

At the moment, the community of active users in this metaverse exceeds 400 million and it seems that it will continue to grow.

Best Metaverse Cryptos To Invest – Conclusion

In the course of this article, we first gave a definition of what metaverses are and how their cryptocurrency-based economy works.

After that, we provided an analysis of what is rumored to be the best crypto metaverse right now. 

Here is a quick recap of the best Metaverse Crypto to buy and invest in right now;

  • Decentraland
  • Star Atlas
  • Illuvium
  • The Sand Box
  • Axie Infinity
  • Enjin Coin
  • Wax

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